Received Proposals

Unlocking Venus' Secrets: The Role of Chlorine chemistry Revealed Through VUV Photoionization Mass Spectrum and Photoelectron Spectrum

Awards and Fellowships

Conference Experiences

Poster:Spectroscopic and Kinetic Studies of the ClSO radical from Cl2SO Photolysis

Oral: Kineti Studies of Small Criegee Intermediates by UV Absorption Spectroscopy 

Oral: Direct Kinetic Measurements of Small Criegee Intermediates with water vapor and SO2 

Poster: Direct Kinetic Measurements of Small Criegee Intermediates with water vapor and SO2 

Poster: Direct Kinetic Measurements of Small Criegee Intermediates with water vapor and SO2 - Possible Atmosphere Implications

Oral: Direct Kinetic Measurement of the Simplest Criegee Intermediates with Water Vapor 

Flash Talk and Poster: Direct Kinetic Measurement for Water Vapor Reactions with Criegee Intermediates CH2OO and CH3CHOO