Received Proposals
The National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center 2024-1 Shift Applications
Unlocking Venus' Secrets: The Role of Chlorine chemistry Revealed Through VUV Photoionization Mass Spectrum and Photoelectron Spectrum
Awards and Fellowships
The de Karman Fellowship (funded by Josephine De Karman Fellowship Trust, 2023)
J. Yang Scholarship (by J. Yang & Family Foundation, 2021)
Physical Chemistry Graduate Student Thesis Award (by Chemistry Society Located in Taipei, 2017)
The poster presentation award of annual meeting of Chemistry Society Located in Taipei (2015)
The Bernice and Yuan T. Lee Undergraduate Award (by Chemistry Society Located in Taipei, 2015)
College Student Research Award (by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2015)
Chau-Ting Chang Summer Research Scholarship (by IAMS, academia sinica, Taiwan, 2013)
Conference Experiences
2022 AGU Fall Meeting (Virtual, Chicago, IL, USA)
Poster:Spectroscopic and Kinetic Studies of the ClSO radical from Cl2SO Photolysis
2017 Annual Meeting of Chemical Society Located in Taipei (Chiayi, Taiwan)
Oral: Kineti Studies of Small Criegee Intermediates by UV Absorption Spectroscopy
2016 Winter School of ASIA CORE Program---Molecular sciences for Energy, Environment, and Life (Beijing, China)
Oral: Direct Kinetic Measurements of Small Criegee Intermediates with water vapor and SO2
2015 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies [PacificChem] (Honolulu, HI, USA)
Poster: Direct Kinetic Measurements of Small Criegee Intermediates with water vapor and SO2
2015 Annual Meeting of Chemical Society Located in Taipei (Hualien, Taiwan)
Poster: Direct Kinetic Measurements of Small Criegee Intermediates with water vapor and SO2 - Possible Atmosphere Implications
2015 National Central University Physics Departmental Colloquium (Taoyuan Taiwan)
Oral: Direct Kinetic Measurement of the Simplest Criegee Intermediates with Water Vapor
2015 Asian Winter School “ Research and Its Challenges in Molecular Science: Fundamentals and State-of-the Art” (Okazaki, Japan)
Flash Talk and Poster: Direct Kinetic Measurement for Water Vapor Reactions with Criegee Intermediates CH2OO and CH3CHOO